November 22, 2010
By J. Guthrie
It's heavy as hell, expensive, and rattles, but good gracious does it throw the most wicked patterns!
By J. Guthrie
 Vang Comp Mossberg 590A1 |
It's heavy as hell, expensive, and rattles, but good gracious does it throw the most wicked patterns! My favorite defense shotgun is a Vang Comp System's Mossberg 590A1. It's completely tricked out with a SureFire fore-end, barrel porting, XS ghost-ring sights, and SpeedFeed stock. But it's what you can't see that makes it special--the barrel job produces patterns that defy description.

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Most buckshot patterns are inside 6 inches at 20 yards. Plain-Jane rifled slugs cut one ragged hole out to 30 yards. Federal Flitecontrol and Winchester's 9-pellet, low-recoil load are my two favorite buckshot rounds. This patterning ability, absolute reliability, and accessories that turn the Vang Comp gun into a 24-hour can of whoop ass--ready to be opened at any time--make my 590A1 a crushing home-defense and truck gun. It sleeps under my bed and protects my family from evil.
-- J. Guthrie, Optics Editor