October 13, 2010
Known for its innovation in modern homogenous projectiles, Barnes has harkened back to its early lead-core roots...
By Shooting Times Staff Report
Known for its innovation in modern homogenous projectiles, Barnes has harkened back to its early lead-core roots and designed a new heavy-for-caliber handgun and lever rifle bullet line. Borrowing from cast bullet design legendary for deep penetration and killing power, these new bullets have a broad, flat meplat that causes tremendous internal damage and keeps the bullet tracking straight, without deflection.
A thick copper jacket and a heavy lead core result in minimal expansion, deep penetration, and maximum weight retention. Bullets remain intact--jackets won't separate from the core. Great for hunting hogs and tough, heavy game such as bears, buffalo, and other large--even dangerous--game, it's the ideal bullet for those who carry handguns for protection against bears in Alaska and other wilderness areas.
Initial offerings are 300-grain .44 caliber, 325-grain .45 caliber, 400-grain .500 caliber, and 400-grain 45-70.
CONTACT:Barnes Bullets, 800-574-9200, www.barnesbullets.com