May 27, 2015
By Shooting Times Online Editors
Photo courtesy of Wisconsin State Assembly Photographer Greg Anderson.
A Wisconsin bill recently announced by state representatives Joel Kleefisch (R - Oconomowoc) and Nick Milroy (D - South Range) would allow hunters in the state of Wisconsin to don Blaze Pink camo instead of the traditional Blaze Orange normally used when venturing afield.
During a news conference concerning the bill, the two state representatives said they wanted to encourage more residents to hunt as well as appeal to female hunters and new hunters. The bill corresponds with a trend in the hunting and shooting industries to offer more options to women, who are increasing their participation in these activities.
According to a recent National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF ) report, women are a rapidly growing demographic in the shooting sports, and a number of hunting apparel manufacturers have taken notice and are already producing clothing with pink design elements.
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